
Jr. Youth

We are excited to offer learning, fellowship and growing opportunities for students from Kindergarten through 5th grade.  They enjoy such things as KidzChurch, Handbell Choir, VA PreTeen Convention, Church Camp (Camp Pitt), VBS, and a host of other age appropriate service projects and activities throughout the year.


Our energies and energizing really began with this student audience.  6th through 12th graders meet each week for our special session, Engage, designed especially for them.  We regularly have students representing several different churches as we gather, share a meal, share our needs, share in study, and enjoy building a great fellowship of friends. We have many other activities throughout the year that provide great learning opportunities.

Service Projects, Church Camp, Camp Jr. Counselors, Youth Sunday Worship Leadership, Teen Praise Team, and many more.  An event that has become an ever anticipated part of our calendar is the Tennessee Christian Teen Convention (TCTC) each year in January.  It is always a fantastic time as we share with 2000+ other teens in Worship, Teaching and Service.


In addition to our traditional Sunday morning Worship service, we offer and array of other adult oriented learning and fellowship.

Sunday school classes are available for a variety of ages and tastes. The Fellowship Class represents a variety of ages from the middle adult years into our seniors – some couples – some not.  A true variety.   Our Ladies Class, is just that, a group of our Sisters in the faith self led also representing a variety of ages.   Our most recent addition is our Impact Class.  Designed and promoted as ‘2o-something to 50-something’, it has quickly become a place where people connect.   A casual setting with a variety of lesson materials, topics and formats has been a drawing card each Sunday.  A nearby coffee pot doesn’t hurt either.

All of our classes are involved in mission and ministry service in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Having a project and purpose helps to unite the participants.

Our mid-week schedule includes a Choir that presents special music routinely in our Morning Worship service as well as many special occasions both inside the church.

All The Rest

In addition to these many designated groups, we also have willing leaders to provide nursery facilities during both our Sunday School and our Morning Worship sessions for our youngest attendees.